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Asked by: Vicenta Abelev
technology and computing digital audioHow does a synchronous counter work?
Also asked, what is synchronous down counter?
A counter is asequential circuit that goes through a predetermined sequence ofstates upon the application of clock pulses.
- Describe a general sequential circuit in terms of its basicparts and its input and outputs.
- Draw the state diagram for the given sequence.
- Develop a next-state table for the specific countersequence.
Moreover, what is the difference between a synchronous and asynchronous counter?
Synchronous counters have an internal clock,whereas asynchronous counters do not. As a result, all theflip-flops in a synchronous counter are drivensimultaneously by a single, common clock pulse.
Synchronous Counter is faster thanasynchronous counter in operation. AsynchronousCounter is slower than synchronous counter in operation.Synchronous Counter does not produce any decoding errors.Synchronous Counter designing as well implementation arecomplex due to increasing the number of states.