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Asked by: Melia Kunzemann
home and garden indoor environmental qualityHow does a warm air heating system work?
Likewise, people ask, are warm air heating systems any good?
Benefits of Warm Air Heating Warm air systems are renowned for their quiet operation so your home won't be disturbed by unwelcome noises. These systems are very energy efficient with running costs as much as 18% lower than some other types of heating system.
Moreover, how does a hot air heating system work?
A forced hot air furnace draws the room air through duct work to a furnace, where the air is filtered and heated. The warmed air is then blown back into the rooms through other duct work. The system's duct work is usually metal wrapped in insulation to help keep in heat.
Our warm air unit servicing checklist includes:
- Removing the burner.
- Removing the filters and fan.
- Checking the heat exchanger for cracks to ensure that products of combustion cannot leak out.
- Checking the flues with smoke pellets.
- Cleaning the burners and pilot lights.
- Reassembling the warm air unit.