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Asked by: Cherkaoui Elvar
home and garden indoor environmental qualityHow does AC receiver drier work?
Considering this, what does the AC receiver drier do?
The AC receiver dryer is a component of the AC system that works together in tandem with all of the other components to produce cold air for the vehicle. The receiver dryer serves as a temporary storage container for the refrigerant, as well as a filter that removes debris and moisture from the system.
- Rattling noises during operation. One of the first warning signs that an accumulator has failed is a rattling noise when the AC is turned on.
- Noticeable refrigerant leaks. Another more obvious and more serious sign that an accumulator has failed is a visible refrigerant leak.
- Moldy smell when the AC is on.
Besides, is an AC drier and accumulator the same thing?
Your car's air conditioning system has either an accumulator or a receiver-drier. These are two different parts that perform the same function: to remove any liquid from your refrigerant before it goes through the compressor.
Receiver-driers (also referred to as receiver-dehydrators) look like small sealed metal cans with an inlet and outlet. Receiver-driers are only used on systems that contain expansion valves. Receiver-driers are comparable to accumulators, although they serve a slightly different function.