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Asked by: Antimo Bueschgens
technology and computing wearable technologyHow does accelerometer in phone work?
Just so, how does an accelerometer work?
The piezoelectric effect is the most common form of accelerometer and uses microscopic crystal structures that become stressed due to accelerative forces. These crystals create a voltage from the stress, and the accelerometer interprets the voltage to determine velocity and orientation.
Accordingly, how do I use the accelerometer on my iPhone?
- Tap the on-screen icon for the game or application that you plan to use in conjunction with the iPhone's motion controls.
- Tap the button to open the options or settings page within the application.
- Tap the button to calibrate the accelerometer sensors.
An accelerometer is a device that measures changes in gravitational acceleration in a device it may be installed in. Accelerometers are used to measure acceleration, tilt and vibration in numerous devices. Accelerometers that use the piezoelectric effect measure a small voltage change.