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Asked by: Ithaisa Lissarri
video gaming music and party video gamesHow does AirPods know my name?
Moreover, how do AirPods know they are in your ear?
Each of your AirPods has sensors in them,so they know not only when they're in yourears, but when you double-tap them. That meansthat you can assign a different double-tap actionto either your left or right ear. Tostart, and with your AirPods active on your iPhone oriPad, open the Settings app.
Additionally, can AirPods be tracked?
To track your AirPods, you can doso via either or the “Find iPhone” app oniPad and iPhone. To use the feature, open the Find iPhone app andlook for “AirPods” in your list of devices. Fromthere, you can see where your AirPods are located ona map and in relation to your other Apple products.
Officially Apple has not made any claims regardingAirPods being waterproof or water resistant.It is recommended to keep AirPods away from water as much aspossible. That being said, AirPods are designed for useduring workouts, which means they could be exposed tosweat.