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Asked by: Mariza Kokalari
business and finance marketing and advertisingHow does Amazon sponsored products work?
Regarding this, how do Amazon sponsored ads work?
Amazon Sponsored ads work similarly toyouraverage pay-per-click (PPC) ads. After clicking, they'llbetaken to your product details page (which looks justlikeany other, non-sponsored page). Similar to GoogleAdWords,Amazon uses keyword-based targeting whichadvertisers bidon.
People also ask, why do some items on Amazon say sponsored?
Sponsored Products ads use keyword targetingtoshow product listings in relevant searches. This getsyourproducts in front of potential customers looking tomakepurchases. The ads can appear on the top of the page oforwithin search results and on the product detailpage.
Instead, you can tell Amazon tostopsending you ads based on your shopping habits. Todo that,visit or log into yourAmazonaccount in a browser, click on your username in thetop rightcorner of the page, and then click on the “Youradvertisingpreferences” link.