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Asked by: Saura Leykauf
technology and computing wearable technologyHow does an Amoled screen work?
Then, how long does an Amoled screen last?
The theoretical lifespan of an AMOLED displayisseveral years, even when used for 12 hours a day.
In this manner, are Amoled screens good?
Unlike LCD displays, AMOLEDs produce lightfromthe individual pixels. That's still true for some AMOLEDs,butSamsung's most recent Super AMOLED tech used in deviceslikethe Galaxy S5 is capable of brightness levels as high as manyLCDs.AMOLED's improved brightness is impressive consideringLCD'snatural advantage.
AMOLED Burn-In Can Be Avoided! And It'sEasy!AMOLED burn-in on screens and displays can't berepaired,but you can slow it down and reduce its visibility byusing a fewsimple tricks, which can also massively increasebatterylife.