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Asked by: Suzhen Alfaro-Elizalde
technology and computing programming languagesHow does assembly language work?
Hereof, how does the assembly work?
The principle of an assembly line is thateachworker is assigned one very specific task, which he or shesimplyrepeats, and then the process moves to the next workerwhodoes his or her task, until the task is completed andtheproduct is made. It is a way to mass produce goods quicklyandefficiently.
Also Know, what does assembly language do?
Today, assembly language is used primarilyfordirect hardware manipulation, access to specializedprocessorinstructions, or to address critical performance issues.Typicaluses are device drivers, low-level embedded systems, andreal-timesystems. This is the only language your computercanspeak directly.
The process of making a car can be roughlydividedinto stamping, welding, painting, assembly andinspections,which takes about 17-18 hours in total. (It variesaccording to thenumber of cars made by afactory.)