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Asked by: Tarra Abakovsky
books and literature poetryHow does Beowulf respond to Unferth's challenge?
People also ask, what is Unferth's motive for challenging Beowulf?
Terms in this set (44) What do you think is Unferth's motive for challenging Beowulf? He is jealous of Beowulf and his glory even though Unferth is drunk and frameless. He wants to humiliate Beowulf and put him back in his place.
One may also ask, what is Unferth's reaction to Beowulf?
Beowulf tells Unferth that it is his drunkenness making him brave and that Unbferth does not know the entire story of the swimming challenge with Brecca. Beowulf, that night, finds victory over Grendel (the monster who has murdered many of Hrothgar's men in the mead hall, Heorot.
In the Anglo-Saxon epic poem, Beowulf, the protagonist Beowulf insists on battling Grendel with his bare hands, instead of using a weapon, because, he says, Grendel doesn't use one. Beowulf sees using a weapon against a beast that uses no weapon as dishonorable. He will fight Grendel on equal terms.