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Asked by: Miyuki Menguiano
family and relationships marriage and civil unionsHow does Chaucer feel about the Wife of Bath?
Keeping this in view, why does the Wife of Bath tell her tale?
'The Wife of Bath feels she is an expert on relations between men and women because of her experience with five husbands. Her main point in her prologue and in her tale is to explain the thing women most desire - complete control - which she describes as sovereignty over their husbands.
Similarly, it is asked, how does Chaucer use satire in The Wife of Bath's Tale?
Chaucer uses irony and satire to challenge the church's oppression of women by allowing the Wife of Bath to speak freely about sex, marriage and women's desires. Chaucer develops her character, gap-toothed, earthy old hag, who is honest, witty and funny.
In The Canterbury Tales, written in the late 1300s by Geoffrey Chaucer and published after his death in the 1400s, the Wife of Bath is a seamstress and professional wife who has been married five times. She is a strong woman who has found that she can use her body to control her husband, whom she likens to slaves.