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Asked by: Irlanda Waasener
food and drink barbecues and grillingHow does Chick Fil A cut their waffle fries?
Also question is, are Chick Fil A waffle fries fried?
Now imagine those savory, oil-fried,crispy,thin-cut potatoes being even better. Is it possible?According toChick-fil-A, the answer is yes and theycall themwaffle fries. Although Chick-fil-Amay nothave invented the waffle fry, they have sure built anempirearound it.
Secondly, what is in Chick fil A waffle fries?
Chick-fil-A WafflePotatoFries Waffle-shaped potatoes with the skin. Cookedincanola oil until crispy outside andtenderinside.
And because of their high surface-area-to-volumeratio(SATVOR), waffle fries also have a hugestructuraladvantage: they absorb flavors and hold condiments reallywell,making them the perfect vehicle for flavor add-ons. I love itwhensalt or mustard or parmesan finds its way into thelittlewaffle windows.