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Asked by: Robbie Aitken
family and relationships internet safetyHow does content filtering software work?
Thereof, what is Internet content filtering?
On the Internet, content filtering(alsoknown as information filtering) is the use of a programtoscreen and exclude from access or availability Web pagesore-mail that is deemed objectionable.
Accordingly, what is Internet filtering software?
Internet filtering software is a virtualappliancefor blocking access to any unsafe Internet contentthatevades detection by your firewall. Internetfilteringsoftware is a popular online security mechanism forbusinessesof all sizes because of its ease of use and lowmaintenanceoverheads.
The ICANN, a nonprofit organization composedofstakeholders from government organizations, members ofprivatecompanies, and internet users from all over theworld, nowhas direct control over the InternetAssigned NumbersAuthority (IANA), the body that manages the web'sdomain namesystem (DNS).