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Asked by: Carlitos Galduroz
medical health diabetesHow does fructose 1 phosphate inhibit Glycogenolysis?
In this regard, why is fructose 1 phosphate accumulation?
The accumulation of fructose 1-phosphate resulted in glycogen synthesis in the liver by inducing the enzymic activity of glycogen synthase b in the presence of glucose 6-phosphate in vivo and by promoting the activation of glycogen synthase.
Furthermore, how does fructose intolerance cause hypoglycemia?
Hereditary fructose intolerance is an inborn error of metabolism with autosomal recessive inheritance. l-Sorbose is poorly metabolized by these patients but it does not induce hypoglycemia or hypophosphatemia. Hypoglycemia after the administration of fructose or sorbitol is due to a block of hepatic glucose release.
Hereditary fructosemia, also termed hereditary fructose intolerance, is an autosomal recessive deficiency of aldo-lase B (fructose biphosphate aldolase) in the liver, kidney, and intestines. 4. Mutations occur in the aldolase B gene, located on chromosome 9q22.