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Asked by: Maurine Abyshev
technology and computing data storage and warehousingHow does HM support the MSM?
Similarly one may ask, what is the MSM psychology?
Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968) developed the Multi-Store Model of memory (MSM), which describes flow between three permanent storage systems of memory: the sensory register (SR), short-term memory (STM) and long-term memory (LTM). STM is thought to have a capacity of 5-9 items and duration of approximately 30 seconds.
Besides, what did Baddeley and Hitch propose?
Baddeley & Hitch proposed their three-part working memory model as an alternative to the short-term store in Atkinson & Shiffrin's 'multi-store' memory model (1968). However, alternative models are developing (see working memory), providing a different perspective on the working memory system.
The model is oversimplified, in particular when it suggests that both short-term and long-term memory each operate in a single, uniform fashion. Rehearsal is considered a too simple explanation to account for the transfer of information from STM to LTM.