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Asked by: Qun Setje
home and garden indoor environmental qualityHow does insulation reduce energy transfer?
Subsequently, one may also ask, how does cavity wall insulation reduce heat transfer?
Cavity wall insulation is used to reduce heat loss through a cavity wall by filling the air space with material that stops heat transfer. This captures the air within the cavity, preventing heating loss and resulting in reduced heating costs.
Also to know, what does the energy transfer through insulators depend on?
Substances can either be conductors or insulators of energy: Conductors allow energy to flow through them – metals are examples of good conductors. Insulators stop the flow of energy through them –substances like plastics, glass and air are good insulators.
Insulation acts as barrier to heat gain and heat loss. In most homes, insulation is the most cost effective and practical way to make your house energy efficient. By insulating your house, you'll keep warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer. Insulation helps you save up to 40% in cooling and heating bills.