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Asked by: Piedras Samanns
hobbies and interests cigarsHow does Juliet change throughout the story?
People also ask, how does Romeo change after seeing Juliet?
After meeting Juliet, Romeo'sbiggest transformation is that he changes from beingdepressed and sorrowful to joyful. Otherwise, Romeo'scharacter remains the same. When we first meet Romeo, he isemotionally torturing himself because he is in love with Rosalinewho does not return his affection.
One may also ask, what are the character traits of Juliet?
While Juliet possesses the tragic impulsivenessof Romeo in Shakespeare's play, she has the sterling traitsof caution and loyalty. In addition, she is of a passionate nature,which while good, does at times work to her detriment. Than yourconsent gives strength to make it fly.
We first see a change in Romeo's characterin Act one Scene five (the party scene) when he changes froma brooding, sulking character into an impulsive and romantic one.However, when his best friend Mercutio is killed by Tybalt,Romeo becomes enraged and seeks his revenge onTybalt.