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Asked by: Solveig Yuguero
family and relationships divorceHow does Mill defend weak paternalism?
Likewise, people ask, what is the difference between strong paternalism and weak paternalism?
The difference between weak and strong paternalism is the fact of whether or not the patient or person in question is able to make a competent decision for themselves and is consider autonomous. Weak paternalism is when the person is not autonomous and unable to make theirown decisions competently.
Simply so, what is the principle of paternalism?
Paternalism is the interference with the liberty or autonomy of another person, with the intent of promoting good or preventing harm to that person. Examples of paternalism in everyday life are laws which require seat belts, wearing helmets while riding a motorcycle, and banning certain drugs.
2.3 Weak vs. So if a person really prefers safety to convenience then it is legitimate to force them to wear seatbelts. A strong paternalist believes that people may have mistaken, confused or irrational ends and it is legitimate to interfere to prevent them from achieving those ends.