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Asked by: Margart Carita
business and finance biotech and biomedical industryHow does number of leaves affect transpiration?
Likewise, people ask, how does number of stomata affect transpiration?
Stomata – Stomata are pores intheleaf that allow gas exchange where water vapor leaves the plantandcarbon dioxide enters. Special cells called guard cellscontroleach pore's opening or closing. When stomata areopen,transpiration rates increase; when they areclosed,transpiration rates decrease.
Herein, what are the factors that affect transpiration?
Environmental factors that affect the rateoftranspiration
- Light. Plants transpire more rapidly in the light than inthedark.
- Temperature. Plants transpire more rapidly athighertemperatures because water evaporates more rapidly asthetemperature rises.
- Humidity.
- Wind.
- Soil water.
The surface area has to be calculated becausethisgreatly affects the amount of water lost throughtranspiration.Smaller leaves may lose less water than the largerones, but bycalculated water loss by surface area createscomparable datathat is constant and consistent.