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Asked by: Dominica Dreikausen
technology and computing data storage and warehousingHow does PDV work in SAS?
Simply so, what is the PDV in SAS?
PDV: It is area of memory where SAS builds a data set, one observation at a time. It is also a logical concept and created after input offer. It also has two automatic and temporary variables that is used for manipulation but which are not written to the data set as part of an observation.
Likewise, people ask, how does SAS process data?
SAS reads a data record from a raw data file into the input buffer, or it reads an observation from a SAS data set directly into the program data vector. You can use an INPUT, MERGE, SET, MODIFY, or UPDATE statement to read a record. SAS executes any subsequent programming statements for the current record.
Use PUT to convert a numeric value to a character value. The PUT function has no effect on which formats are used in PUT statements or which formats are assigned to variables in data sets. You cannot use the PUT function to change the type of a variable in a data set from numeric to character.