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Asked by: Keyra Avelos
music and audio education podcastsHow does Sir Gawain and the Green Knight end?
People also ask, why does the Green Knight forgive Sir Gawain in the end?
The Green Knight forgives Sir Gawain because he know that he is truly remorseful for his dishonorable actions and that he only acted out of self preservation and not lust. She tempts Gawain into the kiss and convinces him to wear the "magic" girdle.
Similarly, it is asked, does the Green Knight kill Sir Gawain?
Sir Gawain is a member of King Arthur's court. After failing a challenge to kill the Green Knight, Gawain must travel to the Green Knight's chapel and accept a similar blow. However, when the time comes, his nerve fails him. The Green Knight knows about the girdle and chides Gawain for this deception.
When Sir Gawain finally meets the Green Knight on New Year's Day at the Green Chapel, he presents his neck to the knight in fulfillment of the terms of their agreement. However, the Green Knight feigns two blows and on the third blow, he nicks Sir Gawain's neck and barely drawing blood.