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Asked by: Yahui Janigen
medical health brain and nervous system disordersHow does the body make acetylcholine?
Considering this, what happens when your body has too much acetylcholine?
Excessive accumulation ofacetylcholine(ACh) at the neuromuscular junctionsand synapsescauses symptoms of both muscarinic and nicotinictoxicity.These include cramps, increased salivation, lacrimation,muscularweakness, paralysis, muscular fasciculation, diarrhea, andblurryvision[1][2][0].
Regarding this, how does acetylcholine affect the body?
Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter, which isachemical released by a nerve cell or neuron.Acetylcholinecauses muscles to contract, activates painresponses and regulatesendocrine and REM sleep functions.Deficiencies inacetylcholine can lead to myasthenia gravis,which ischaracterized by muscle weakness.
Foods that are naturally high in cholineincludewhole eggs, meats and fish, and whole grains. Studies inlaboratoryanimals and humans suggest that consuming foodsorsupplements rich in choline may elevate levelsofacetylcholine in the brain.