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Asked by: Franca Yagupets
sports waterskiing and wakeboardingHow does the cattle egret help the buffalo?
it has a living purpose behind its following. Egrets follow the grazing animals because the grazing of the grass by the animal disturbs the insects which are enjoying their life under the grass and there is no choice for them except to move away from the grazing mouth of the animal.
Besides, why the egret takes a ride on a buffalo?
Egret sitting on the buffalo warns the buffalo of any danger and flies away. Also egret eats the insect on the buffalo's body and rests while sitting on the buffalo.
Then, what is the relationship between egrets and cattle?
Explanation: Usually cattle egrets follow herds of large hoofed mammals (ungulates, such as cattle, buffalo, etc). They eat the insects that have been stirred up by the buffalo as they move. This relationship is commensalism, because the birds benefit but the ungulate is neither harmed nor helped.