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Asked by: Lulu Sarceda
science geneticsHow does the exchange of genetic information help bacteria survive?
One reason they are so robust is thattheyare able to exchange bits of DNA, passingaroundtraits that help them survive. There arethreeways that bacteria can exchange DNA. Intransformation,bacteria directly absorb DNA moleculesreleased during thedeath of other bacteria.
Regarding this, how do bacteria exchange genetic information?
Transduction is the transfer of DNA fromonebacterium to another by means of a bacteria-infectingviruscalled a bacteriophage. Conjugation is the transfer ofDNAby direct cell-to-cell contact that is mediated byplasmids(nonchromosomal DNA molecules).
Considering this, how is genetic information exchanged?
Chromosomes exchange genetic materialduringmeiosis in a process called crossing over. Chromosomesexchangegenetic material during meiosis in a process calledcrossingover.
There are three ways for bacteria to transfer theirDNAhorizontally:
- Conjugation- Conjugation is the transfer of DNA directlyfromone cell to another through cell-cell contact.
- Transformation-
- Transduction-
- Conjugation is the transfer of circular DNA calledplasmidsthrough cell to cell contact.