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Asked by: Ionel Seddig
hobbies and interests board games and puzzlesHow does the game of checkers end?
Keeping this in consideration, can you go back and forth in Checkers?
A piece can move forwards and sideways but neverbackwards towards its home space. Only a King may doso. A checker MAY NOT combine a move and jumps on thesame turn. It may either move one space, or makeone or more jumps.
- Pieces. The pieces are flat and round. They are referred to as"men".
- Starting position. Each player starts with 12 pieces on thethree rows closest to their own side.
- How to move. all the single pieces (the starting pieces) canonly move diagonally forward.
Also know, what happens in a stalemate in Checkers?
There is no such term, because there is no such thing asa stalemate in checkers. I believe "stalemate" ismerely the specific case where a player must move but cannot make alegal move, resulting in a draw. The very rule you cited statesthat, in checkers, if one player cannot make a legal move,the other player wins.
Checker Movement If no jump is available, aregular checker can only move one space diagonallyforward to an unoccupied square. King Movement If no jump isavailable, the King can move any distance, forward orbackward, along an unobstructed diagonal. It must land in anunoccupied square.