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Asked by: Mellisa Orvay
books and literature fictionHow does the Glass Menagerie symbolize Laura?
Keeping this in view, how does the Glass Menagerie represent Laura?
Laura's Glass Menagerie As the title of the play informs us, the glass menagerie, or collection of animals, is the play's central symbol. Laura's collection of glass animal figurines represents a number of facets of her personality. Like the figurines, Laura is delicate, fanciful, and somehow old-fashioned.
People also ask, what is the symbolic meaning of The Glass Menagerie?
Glass Menagerie. The title of the play, and the play's most prominent symbol, the glass menagerie represents Laura's fragility, otherworldliness, and tragic beauty. The collection embodies Laura's imaginative world, her haven from society.
The Glass Menagerie In the character descriptions preceding the play, Jim is described as a "nice, ordinary, young man." He is the emissary from the world of normality. Yet this ordinary and simple person, seemingly out of place with the other characters, plays an important role in the climax of the play.