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Asked by: Kalid Einicke
books and literature poetryHow does the story of Rizal inspire you as a Filipino?
Besides, how does the story of Jose Rizal inspire you as a Filipino?
Jose made the Philippine League to get their first reform group and to get their freedom from Spain. Jose Rizal an inspiration to Philippine history for making the first reform group that is set up by the Philippines; his death brought out the people's strengths to fight back in the name of Jose.
Also to know is, how Rizal and his works contribute to Philippine nationalism?
His novels awakened Philippine nationalism While in Barcelona, Rizal contributed essays, poems, allegories, and editorials to the Spanish newspaper, La Solidaridad. In both novels, Rizal harshly criticized the Spanish colonial rule in the country and exposed the ills of Philippine society at the time.
Rizal - To The Filipino Youth. “To The Filipino Youth” Unfold, oh timid flower! Interpretation: Lift up your radiant brow, The poem is a message primarily to tell the importance of one's This day, Youth of my native strand!