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Asked by: Esteban Aroztoanea
personal finance financial planningHow does Underapplied overhead affect net income?
Likewise, people ask, what happens when manufacturing overhead is Underapplied?
Underapplied overhead occurs when the budgeted manufacturing overhead is less than the actual manufacturing overhead spent on production. Underapplied overhead is recorded as a prepaid expense on the balance sheet and then corrected through increasing cost of goods sold at the end of the time period.
Likewise, what causes Underapplied overhead?
Underapplied overhead occurs when an accounting record in the cost accounting method includes overhead costs that are assigned to a work-in-progress product does not reach the amount of the actual overhead costs. Costs of goods sold are the direct cost associated with the production of goods sold by a company.
Expenses normally have a debit balance, and the manufacturing overhead account is debited when expenses are incurred to recognize the incurrence. When the expenses are allocated to the asset, the work in process inventory, the expense account manufacturing overhead is credited.