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Besides, can you hear heartbeat on doppler at 8 weeks?
A: At 8 weeks, it is very difficult, if notimpossible, to hear a fetal heart beat with a handheldDoppler machine. In fact, during the first 10 weeksof pregnancy, fetal heart rate is almost always confirmed byusing an ultrasound machine, which uses soundwaves to pick up ababy's heart beat from within the uterus.
In this regard, how early can Doppler detect heartbeat?
If you're in your first trimester and you can'thear your baby's heartbeat, don't worry. Dopplerscan't reliably detect a baby's heartbeat until10 to 12 weeks. Your doctor may try again on your nextvisit.
One that has been around for decades, and has evengained some acceptance, is the idea that fetal heartbeat isfaster among girls. Rates above 140 beats per minute, it issaid, are typical for girls; below that, look for aboy.