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Asked by: Yesid Howner
technology and computing data storage and warehousingHow eeprom is erased?
Likewise, what is the purpose of eeprom?
EEPROM (also E2PROM) stands forelectrically erasable programmable read-only memory and is a typeof non-volatile memory used in computers, integrated inmicrocontrollers for smart cards and remote keyless systems, andother electronic devices to store relatively small amounts of databut allowing individual bytes to
Correspondingly, is eeprom still used?
ROMs are still used for very high-volume,low-cost applications (e.g. talking greeting cards). The importantdifference with current microcontrollers is that you cannotgenerally execute code out of EEPROM, and it is awkward forprograms to store data in flash.
Error Code P062E is defined as Internal ControlModule EEPROM Error. The EEPROM provides a way toread, erase, rewrite small amounts (bytes) of programmable memory.Using specific programming, the EEPROM (or any part ofEEPROM) may be erased and rewritten insequence.