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Asked by: Segundina Landachueta
automotive convertibleHow expensive is maintenance on a Porsche Cayenne?
In respect to this, how much does it cost to maintain a Porsche Cayenne?
The annual maintenance cost of a PorscheCayenne is $1,202. Repair and maintenance costs varydepending on age, mileage, location and shop.
Correspondingly, is Porsche Cayenne high maintenance?
While not the most expensive Porsche to keeprunning, the Cayenne leads the growing fleet of luxurysport-utility vehicles in terms of repair and maintenancecosts.
The Porsche Cayenne is a great luxury midsizeSUV. It offers three powerful engines, the largest of which bestowsthis SUV with sports-car-like performance. TheCayenne rides smoothly both in town and on the highway, andit handles far better than most rivals.