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Asked by: Abdelhila Saxe
business and finance civil engineering industryHow far apart should concrete piers be for a deck?
Herein, how far apart should concrete deck blocks be?
Space four interior blocks 2 feet apartfrom one another on each trench line. Level the interiorblocks to your corner blocks. You will have twoblocks between your horizontal corners and threeblocks between your vertical corners.
Also to know, how many posts do I need for a 10x12 deck?
The shorter sides—in this case, the 8-footside—will have 4-feet of distance between deck posts.The larger 12-foot side will have a post spacing of 6 feetat a minimum code requirement. That makes a total of eightposts that need to be installed on this average sizedeck.
A deck pier block is in many ways just asimplified version of a “precast foundation”, afoundation type recognized by building codes. They're subject toall of the same requirements as a typical footing,regardless of not being cast-in-place. The small bearing area ofpier blocks is limited in supporting much load.