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Asked by: Issaka Artetxe
home and garden landscapingHow far apart should silver maple trees be planted?
Also know, how far apart should Autumn Blaze maple trees be planted?
If possible, space the trees between 40 and50feet apart for the best root and canopy spacing.Inaddition, the maples' stability in the soil may alsobecompromised with improper spacing -- they need strong anddeeproots to remain upright during gusty days.
Also question is, are silver maple trees fast growing?
Silver maple is atall,fast-growing, native tree of easternNorthAmerica. It is usually found growing in open sunlightalongcreeks and waterways. This species has become over planted.Withoutproper and frequent pruning high winds and ice can causelimbs tobreak.
Instead, the trees grow wider and fullerbecauseof ample sunlight. Plants also can affect hownearbycompanions grow, as roots tangle and compete for thesameresources of water and nutrients in the soil. Planting tooclosetogether limits the growth potential and oftenthreatensplant health.