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Asked by: Antera Noonan
family and relationships parenting babies and toddlersHow far apart should you plant blue spruce?
Hereof, how far apart do you plant spruce trees?
You can plant American arborvitae trees (Thuja occidentalis) 3 feet apart, but most evergreens need more space. For instance, cedars and junipers need 6 to 8 feet between them, while pines and spruces need 10 to 12 feet of spacing.
Similarly one may ask, what is the best time of year to plant a blue spruce?
Bare root Colorado blue spruces should be planted while dormant so roots can become established before leaf and shoot growth begins. Late winter through early spring is best depending on your climate and ground thaw date. Bare root spruces can also be planted in very early fall.
Overfertilizing to create faster growth oftem makes a tree sacrifice defenses, making it more susceptible to diseases and insects. A layer of organic mulch or better yet compost, under these trees will help them establish well. Also be sure they are receiving sufficent water.