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Asked by: Lubna Segebrecht
family and relationships daycare and pre schoolHow far can a squirrel monkey jump?
Similarly, you may ask, how long does a squirrel monkey live?
boliviensis are not fully weaned until 18 months old. Female squirrel monkeys reach sexual maturity at age 2–2.5 years, while males take until age 3.5–4 years. They live to about fifteen years old in the wild, and over twenty years in captivity.
Just so, are squirrel monkeys dangerous?
“They're very destructive.” Of the many primates you could have for a pet, squirrel monkeys—of which there are at least five species—require an insane amount of care and attention.
Common squirrel monkey: 60 cm Black-capped squirrel monkey: 64 cm Central American squirrel monkey: 68 cm Bare-eared squirrel monkey: 72 cm