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Regarding this, how far apart should purlins be?
The spacing of purlins on roofs and girtsonwallis usually 4 to 6 ft. Numbers 20 and 22, U.S. Standardgage,aregenerally used for roofing; No. 24 for siding.
Accordingly, what is the minimum pitch for a corrugated metal roof?
The minimum pitchforcorrugated metalroofing is specified by the manufacturerandis usually 3/12,also expressed as “3 in 12,” whichis 3inches ofvertical rise for every 12 inches ofhorizontalrun.
Low-slope roofs are not totally flat,theirroofslope generally ranges from 1/4:12 to 3:12.Minimummetal roofslope depends on the roofprofile,building design,climate and site location.Typically,large-footprint, single-storywarehouses andpre-engineeredmetal buildings will utilizelow-slopemetal roofsystems.