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Asked by: Lhoussaine Heusner
business and finance construction industryHow far can floor trusses span?
Keeping this in view, how far can a truss joist span?
Those maximum distances vary based on joist strength, depth, and on-center spacing. According to TJI's span table, switching to deeper 11-7/8 inch joists (a nominal 2x12), even when spaced at 19.2 inches on-center, enable you to go as long as 17 feet, 4 inches and still achieve L/480.
Subsequently, one may also ask, how far can floor joists span?
How do I keep them even? In general terms, joists spaced 16 inches on center can span 1.5 times in feet their depth in inches. A 2x8 up to 12 feet; 2x10 to 15 feet and 2x12 to 18 feet.
Floor trusses can span farther between bearing points than I-joists, allowing for larger open rooms. This also reduces the need and cost for extra bearing posts, beams, and footings. Floor trusses have built-in openings, which can be used to install HVAC ductwork, plumbing lines, and electrical wiring.