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Asked by: Patrycia Matalobos
food and drink desserts and bakingHow far in advance should you make a trifle?
Also question is, can a trifle be made a day ahead?
Berry Trifle Make Ahead Tips: You can make the cake days in advance and store it tightly covered in the freezer. Defrost it in the fridge before cutting it into cubes. Once you layer the cake with the berries and whipped cream no one will know the cake wasn't freshly baked.
Considering this, how do I stop my trifle going soggy?
Savoiardi hold their shape well and the sugar coating seems to protect them from getting too soggy. A light drizzle with your favourite liqueur (Marsala is my booze-of-choice for a trifle) is all they need to soften their crispy edges. The biscuitty layers become the perfect foil to the creaminess of the custard.
They defrost quickly and can be spruced up with fruit and whipped cream. Another way to use either one of them is in a trifle. They both can be frozen whole or in a portion. To keep them safe in the freezer, it's best to wrap them in plastic wrap and then place them in a resealable freezer bag.