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Asked by: Argenis Kroon
real estate real estate buying and sellingHow far should house be from road?
Correspondingly, how close can a house be to a road?
For example, a local jurisdiction may require a house to be no closer than 20 feet from the front property line, five feet from the property lines on each side of the house, and ten feet from the rear property line.
Just so, how close to the property line can you build?
The primary structure might have to be 10 feet off the side line and secondary or outbuildings can be within 5 feet. Some areas have restrictions on how close your drive can be to the property line where other's don't care.
Place houses for swallows at least 30 to 35 feet apart, shelves for robins at least 65 feet apart, boxes for house wrens about 100 feet apart, 300 feet apart or more for wrens and bluebirds, and those for chickadees over 600 feet apart.