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Asked by: Cherryl Barreales
home and garden indoor environmental qualityHow far should stove be from damper?
Similarly one may ask, how far from wood stove should damper be?
A damper is usually located approximately 12 to 18 inches from the stove, prior to the spot where the pipe exits into a chimney, if present. The damper retains heat that escapes up the chimney or flue. It allows this heat to dissipate into the area being heated by the woodstove.
In respect to this, should I put a damper in my stove pipe?
Modern stoves usually do not need a damper. the air flow through the stove.It will also slow down the heat loss out of the flue. If closed down too much it will build creosote in the stack.
First of all, and most importantly, you need to make sure that leaving your stove on overnight is safe and does not pose a fire risk. A Wood Burner is far harder to keep going all night as wood burns quicker than Coal. Allow enough air to enter the stove until the smoke stops and the fire is up to temperature.