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Asked by: Simone Mittnenzweig
healthy living running and joggingHow fast can a beginner run a mile?
Just so, whats a good mile time for a beginner?
Mileage Rates and Fitness Women in their 50s who run the mile in 10minutes or less are considered to have "good" fitnesslevels. A 10-minute mile is also good forbeginners; the goal is to complete 3 miles in 30 minutes. Ifa 10-minute mile seems out of reach, start with a 12-minutemile and then work downward.
Likewise, people ask, how fast can the average person run a mile?
No conclusive evidence exists on“average” 1-mile run times, because thereis no scientifically agreed-upon average runner. Opinionvaries widely, but most anecdotal evidence places theaverage between seven and 10 minutes per mile for anon-competitive, in-shape runner.
A runner who is 17 to 21 and in good health runsa mile in about 6:30 if he is in the top 1 percent of thatage group, according to standards set by the Army StudyGuide. Runners should shoot for a time of approximately 8:18if they want to be in the 50 percent bracket for the agegroup.