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Asked by: Marina Azizi
medical health birth controlHow fast can you get pregnant after nexplanon removal?
Simply so, how long does it take for your body to go back to normal after nexplanon?
You may have some swelling, bruising, ordiscolorationfor up to two weeks. Try not to bump the placewhere theNexplanon was put in for a few days. Youmayreturn to school or work after your visit. Youcango back to normal daily activities immediately aftertheNexplanon has been put in.
Additionally, can you get pregnant right after removing IUD?
The IUD is placed within seven days of thestartof the menstrual period and is 99% effective as acontraceptive. Awoman may try to conceive right after theIUD isremoved. It takes the average young coupleabout 4-6 monthsto conceive and after one yearapproximately 85-90%of couples will conceive.
No. Some women stop having theirmenstrualperiods after getting a hormonal implant. Sothere isno menstrual bleeding. Your menstrual cycleswillreturn to the way they were, after the implantisremoved.