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Asked by: Roselyn Harges
food and drink non alcoholic beveragesHow fast does water come out of a fire hydrant?
A blue top means that the hydrant will produce a great flow—at least 1,500 gallons per minute.
Just so, how fast does water come out of a fire hose?
A 100-foot length of 400 PSI 1 1/2-inch double-jacket hose by Superior Fire Hose weighs 29.6 pounds dry. This hose flows roughly 150 gallons per minute.
Similarly one may ask, how many gallons per minute does a fire hydrant put out?
Known as NFPA 291, it says fire hydrants using public water supply systems should be painted chrome yellow, and their tops and caps should indicate the available GPM. Below 500GPM should be red, 500-999 GPM should be orange, 1000-1499 GPM should be green, and 1500 GPM or more should be blue.
about 15 minutes