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Asked by: Stefany Labisch
home and garden home improvementHow good is UltraDeck composite decking?
Subsequently, one may also ask, is UltraDeck any good?
If you're looking for something different, but just as durable as Inspire or Fusion, UltraDeck Triumph should be high on your list. These impact-resistant deck boards can handle UV rays with ease and are resistant against scratches, stains, and impacts as well.
Herein, what is the best composite decking?
TimberTech (AZEK) TimberTech AZEK products are high-quality, premium lines, perhaps the best (and most expensive) of all the composite decking manufacturers, with a limited warranty of 50 years. Additional product lines include TimberTech Pro (with 30-year warranties) and TimberTech Edge (25-year warranties).
Manufactured from a wood and plastic polymer composition consisting of over 50% real wood, the UltraDeck® brand has improved the durability and weatherability of wood by creating truly low-maintenance components that will outperform and outlast traditional wood products of the past.