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Asked by: Serghei Waterkotte
home and garden interior decoratingHow high above the medicine cabinet should the light be?
Similarly, you may ask, how high should the light be above the mirror?
THE LIGHTING The standard height for vanity lighting above bathroom mirrors is 75” to 80” from the finished floor to the center of the light fixture.
Then, how high should the medicine cabinet be above the vanity?
The installation height for medicine cabinets is generally accepted to be 64 inches from the floor to the mirror's center, according to Broan. Medicine cabinets provide extra storage in the bathroom.
The primary place to hang wall sconces in the bathroom is on both sides of the bathroom vanity mirror, providing ideal lighting for the sink area. The American Lighting Association's general rule is to mount them 65 to 70 inches from the floor, at about eye level.