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Asked by: Leida Chikomasov
home and garden interior decoratingHow high should a mirror be above a mantle?
Accordingly, how many inches should a mirror be above a buffet?
Ideal Hanging Height For furniture less than 30 inches high, hang the mirror as close to eye level as possible, which ranges from 57 to 65 inches from the center of the mirror to the floor. Go slightly lower than this when hanging a mirror over a buffet console in a dining room.
Similarly one may ask, should I put a mirror above my fireplace?
"Just don't hang a mirror there. When placed over a fireplace, a mirror is too high to actually be used as a mirror. More importantlyit's going to reflect what is across from it. Placement over the fireplace means it could be reflecting a bare wall, a light fixture, a doorway.
Double Reflection. For a new take on the mirror-above-the-mantel look, try this unique fireplace mantel decorating idea: Layer a small mirror over a larger one. Hang a large, plain mirror above your mantel and then place a smaller, decorative mirror in front.