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Asked by: Rafia Subiaurre
medical health birth controlHow hot is too hot for birth control pills?
Simply so, what temperature is too hot for birth control?
Hate to break it to you, but you should.Asit turns out, storing your pills the wrong way couldmesswith their effectiveness. Most medication should be stored in adryplace at room temperature, ideally somewhere between68to 77 degrees. Drugs exposed to temps far outsidetherange can loose potency.
Similarly, can heat ruin birth control pills?
The humidity (which can breakdown the drug)andtemperature change from a steamy shower put your pillsatrisk, according to Dr. Long. Contrary to its name, themedicinecabinet is one of the worst places to store drugsbecausethe moisture and heat from the shower cancreepinside.
7 Things That Can Make Birth Control Pills Fail
- Missing a pill or starting a pack late.
- If you have inflammatory bowel disease or otherdigestivedisorders.
- Taking certain seizure or migraine medications.
- Not taking your progestin-only pill at the same timeeveryday.
- Taking certain antibiotics.
- Or antiretroviral medications.