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Asked by: Florisa Iervese
news and politics weatherHow important was Upton Sinclair's The Jungle to passage of the Meat Inspection Act?
Simply so, what was the impact of the Meat Inspection Act?
The Effects of the Pure Food and Drug Act: Assured the American people that the federal government were taking significant steps to pass laws to improve the general health and welfare of the public and stop the unsafe and unhygienic practices of the Meat Processing companies.
In this regard, what does the publication of the jungle tell you about the progressive movement?
The publication of "The Jungle" tells us that the people during the progressive movement were not afraid to speak their mind and wanted change. This also shows us all the improvements that were made during the progressive movement because people wanted change.
Upton Sinclair's The Jungle: Muckraking the Meat-packing Industry. Work exposed working conditions in the Chicago meat packing industry.