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Asked by: Adriano Angrill
hobbies and interests woodworkingHow is a Biltmore stick used to measure 12 logs in a tree?
- Hold the stick at breast height (4.5 feet from the ground), 25" from your eye, with the back of the stick against the tree you are measuring.
- Hold the stick at a right angle to the axis of the tree and keep your eyes level with the stick.
Thereof, what is a tree scale stick used to measure?
The stick is primarily used to measure the diameter of standing trees in inches, their height in 16-foot logs, and the volume they contain in board feet or cords. It can also be used to measure diameters of logs and estimate their volume.
Keeping this in consideration, what is a tree scale Biltmore stick?
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The Biltmore stick is a tool used by foresters to estimate tree trunk diameter at breast height. The tool very often includes a hypsometer scale to estimate height as well. It looks much like an everyday yardstick. A Biltmore stick is considered to be only marginally accurate.
Top Answer. Find a stick the length of your arm. Hold your arm out straight with the stick pointing straight up (90-degree angle to your outstretched arm). Walk backwards until you see the tip of the stick line up with the top of the tree.