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Asked by: Prosper Lew
science geographyHow is a degree of longitude and latitude further subdivided?
Similarly, it is asked, what is each degree of latitude or longitude further divided into?
The primary unit in which longitude and latitude are given is degrees (°). There are 360° of longitude (180° E ↔ 180° W) and 180° of latitude (90° N ↔ 90° S). Each degree can be broken into 60 minutes ('). Each minute can be divided into 60 seconds (”).
Likewise, people ask, how is each degree of longitude further divided?
Degrees of longitude are divided into 60 minutes. Each minute of longitude can be further divided into 60 seconds. For example, the longitude of Paris, France, is 2° 29' E (2 degrees, 29 minutes east).
Going right around the earth, from east to west for example, there are 360 degrees of longitude. So, here's another way of putting it: in one hour, the earth turns through 15 degrees of longitude!