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Likewise, what is a microscope simple definition?
A microscope is a scientific instrument. Itmakessmall objects look larger. Students in science classes suchasbiology or chemistry also use microscopes to studysmallthings. The earliest microscopes had only one lens andarecalled simple microscopes. Compound microscopeshaveat least two lenses.
Then, how do microscopes help us?
Microscopes allow humans to see cells that aretootiny to see with the naked eye. Therefore, once they wereinvented,a whole new microscopic world emerged for people todiscover. On amicroscopic level, new life forms were discoveredand the germtheory of disease was born.
The eyepiece, the objective, and most of thehardwarecomponents are made of steel or steel and zincalloys. Achild's microscope may have an external bodyshellmade of plastic, but most microscopes have anbodyshell made of steel.